Here we go again!  A few more restrictions to help us steer clear of Covid -19 and keep healthy, but it is for our own good and this month’s newsletter has some good news on progress for you to read. Wendy Gane Chair of the AWPRG gives an outline on the way ahead  

Essential Diabetes Services-A new way of care in the Future

The Covid 19 pandemic has affected everyone’s lives across Wales and has had an impact on our Diabetes Services. It has caused disruption to our diabetes care and a pause in the Diabetic Eye Screening Service.

Everyone in NHS Wales have worked extremely hard to provide care to those people who developed Covid 19 and had to be admitted to hospital.

Some Diabetes teams were redeployed because of this and the Community Diabetes Nurses went to visit people at home to provide them with the support and care they needed.

People with diabetes became anxious during this time of the possibility that they may develop Covid 19 and they were afraid to go to their Surgery or visit their local hospital to get the help they needed to help them manage their diabetes.

This has had an effect on our mental health as many people felt isolated Similarly there were people who were diagnosed at this time who were not aware of the symptoms of diabetes and as a result of this had to be admitted to hospital.

We need to remember the 4 T, s campaign for Children who may develop Type 1 diabetes

The signs and symptoms are the same for Adults who may develop Type 1 Diabetes as well.

There have been Innovations in care developed during this time like drive through HBA1c testing for children and Annual Reviews at home.

As we move forward and the restrictions of lockdown are eased, we need to think about the restart of our diabetes services.

The recovery of Diabetes Essential Services group has been set up and it will make recommendations to Welsh Government and Health Boards on what the services will be like in the future.

There are subgroups which will look at the different aspects of diabetes care such as Children, Education, Foot services, Prevention, BAME Communities, Pregnancy and

Diabetic Eye Screening will also be included.

The All Wales Diabetes Patient Reference Group has a person with diabetes on every subgroup to give their views on the development of services going forward.

Our diabetes services are going to be provided in a different way in the future. We will be having telephone and video consultations from our surgeries which will include a questionnaire to be filled in before having our appointment with the Practise Nurse or Doctor.

Outpatient appointments will be done by using technology to help inform us about how we can be supported to manage our diabetes. We will then speak to the Doctor or nurse.

We must also not forget those people who are not able to access social media

Like people with learning disabilities and those who have developed sight loss.

Diabetes UK Cymru can also provide you with information and support and also have a Careline you can ring for advice. Information is also available from their website.

Pocket Medic films and NHS Resources are also available to you.

In the meantime, stay safe and keep well.

Wendy Gane MBE


DESW update October 2020 – For All Wales Diabetes Patient Reference Group

I’m really pleased to be able to confirm that eye screening clinics have now re-started following our service pause.  Our staff are so happy to be back seeing participants, even though it feels a bit different to how we used to work before COVID.

We have clinics booked in venues in all Health Board areas across Wales, but there are a lot fewer premises available for DESW clinics compared to before March.  This is because NHS buildings are being used differently to support COVID safe services, with many areas withdrawn from normal use to make more space for social distancing.  For DESW, this means that we can’t run as many clinics as we used to each week, and we may not be able to offer appointments in venues where we have previously seen you.

For re-start, we are inviting people for screening based on clinical priority rather than in strict date order.  This means that; even if you are overdue an appointment, including if your appointment was cancelled because of COVID, you may be invited after someone at higher risk of developing sight threatening diabetic retinopathy than you.

Within each clinic, we have fewer appointments to support social distancing and give our Screeners time for extra cleaning between participants.  Screeners are wearing masks, gloves and aprons in clinic because they need to get close to participants when giving eye drops and taking photographs.

So that we can make full use of our limited appointment numbers, we are trialling different ways of booking appointments in some clinics and will be seeking feedback on each of them over the next couple of months. 

For all appointment offers, we are asking people to confirm that they will be attending.  This allows us to offer any empty appointments to other people on the waiting list, so if you do not plan to attend, please let us know in advance. 

On the day before your appointment (or on the Friday before a Monday clinic), you will receive a call from a DESW Screener.  You will be asked some questions to confirm that you do not have COVID symptoms, and given specific information about how things will work in the venue where your appointment is booked.

We are keen to gather your views about coming to eye screening after the service pause.  A questionnaire is available on our website throughout September and we’d appreciate receiving your feedback.

While you are waiting for your next eye screening appointment, the best way to support good eye health is to follow your diabetes management plan because your HbA1C levels have an effect on your eyes.  If you are concerned about your vision, please contact your regular Optometrist who can direct you to the nearest open practice if their service is restricted. 

Stay safe and thank you for your patience, we’ll see you as soon as we can. 

Jude Kay, Head of Programme – Diabetic Eye Screening Wales


You are invited to join this virtual group  


10.00am – Introduction

10.15am – Breakout sessions

1. Bereavement

2. Befriending / Volunteering and Mental Health

            3. Mindfulness for young people

            4. Dementia and BME communities

5. Emotional Wellbeing

10.45am – Feedback from above sessions

11.15am – Statement from Welsh Government

11.30am – Breakout sessions

            1. Diabetes prevention – Know Your Risk

            2. Welfare and Finance

3. Benefits of Mentoring during Covid-19-The Mentor Ring          

12.00pm – Feedback from above sessions

12.30pm – Question and Answer session with health professionals

1.00pm – Breakout sessions

            1. Yoga

            2. Salsa

            3. Healthy Eating

1.30 pm – Discussion – ‘How effective have public health messages been at reaching communities?’

1.50 pm – Feedback of the day

2.00 pm – Close

Inspire Award Winner – Jayne Griffiths

Our Congratulations to Jayne Griffiths on receiving the Diabetes Uk Cymru Inspire Award for Reaching Out and Connecting Communities Award. Jayne is based in Llandrindod Wells Tesco, she also overseas other stores in West Wales including Cardigan, Pembroke and Haverford West.

Jayne is an active Supporter of Diabetes Uk Cymru and promotes their Services to people with Diabetes throughout Llandrindod Wells. She has arranged a Fundraiser event and is a trained speaker for Diabetes Uk Cymru raising Awareness of Diabetes in her Community. Jayne was also involved part of Tesco.

Charity Partnership Dance Beat Fundraising Campaign. She has organised Know Your Risk Events at the Tesco Store. [Jayne also lives with Type 2 Diabetes. Well Done Jayne for all your hard work to help and support people with diabetes

Do you, or someone you Know have Type 2 Diabetes?

Help us understand how to get better diabetes control without the stress. Please take part in our Research.

What do I have to do Now?

Bloodline has developed an online questionnaire in conjunction with Swansea University to help us understand what motivates people with Type 2 Diabetes to want to control their blood glucose better.

We are doing this so that we can design a better more personal Support System including an App.

If you would like to take part in the Survey please follow the Link


Anyone taking part will have a chance of winning one of our Freestyle Libre Starter packs, simply complete the online questionnaire.

If you would like to know more about Bloodline, please visit our website to find out more.

Contact Dr Steve Lloyd, Chairman Bloodline on 07879335429 with any questions you may have.

Flu Vaccination

As the Flue season approaches remember to book an appointment with your Surgery to have the Flu. Vaccination done THIS IS FREE


 Chair of the All Wales Reference group   Ms. Wendy Gane MBE

 Deputy Chair Mr Paul Croker


Newsletter Editor Mrs Yvonne Johns


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